Fast algorithms for the evaluation for volume integral equations on hybrid architectures

George Biros, University of Texas at Austin

I will consider the problem of evaluating volume integrals with weakly singular kernels in three dimensions. The evaluation of such volume integrals is a well understood problem. Volume integral equations can be used for solving boundary value problems, for example the Laplace, Stokes and Helmholtz problems. Despite the significance of such methods, there exist no scalable efficient implementations and as a result their use from non-experts is somewhat limited. I will discuss the formulation, numerical challenges and scalability of algorithms for volume potentials and present a new open-source library for such problems. I will compare their performance to other state-of-the art codes and conclude with an example from computational fluid mechanics.

Workshop: Exploiting Different Levels of Parallelism for Exascale Computing

as part of the ACM International Conference on Supercomputing - ICS 2014


June 10, 2014


Bavarian Academy of Sciences, Munich


Miriam Mehl,
Dirk Pflüger,