Panoramas of the Expedition Anthropocene 2020 by Junge Akademie
More information can be found on the website of
the Expedition Anthropocene.
The following interactive viewers are some samples from the images
taken in Ecuador.
- Antisana Glacier (with original sound!) - 192 pics, 1.1GPx, 2020/02/28
- Stuebel Glacier (or where it should be) - 207 pics, 1.56GPx, 2020/03/03
- Just below Chimborazo - 204 pics, 1.63GPx 2020/03/03
- Refugia Carihuairazo - 116 pics, 0.85GPx, 2020/03/01
- Ambato - 100 pics, 0.39GPx, 2020/03/04
- Ambato - 456 pics, 3.43GPx, 2020/03/04
- Finca Palmonte - 95 pics, 0.72GPx, 2020/03/07
- Quito - 396 pics, 3.5GPx, 2020/03/10
- Quito - 1120 pics, 7.6GPx, 2020/03/10