We encourage in particular young scientists and Phd students to submit proposals for minisyposia with 4-5 speakers tackling a currently active research topic, best a topic connecting several disciplines or projects within or between the sponsoring Graduate Schools. Of course, proposals from outside are very welcome as well. The speakers of a minisymposium should be from different groups in Germany, Europe, or international.
A minisymposium proposal should contain the title of the proposed symposium, a short abstract (up to one page) and a list of tentative speakers.
Please send your submissions to by May 1, 2014
Extended Abstracts
Besides minisymposia, also regular contributions are welcome. Extended abstracts (3-4 pages) for those and for all minisymposia talks are to be submitted by July 1, 2014. Please use the Springer latex templates and send the pdf file to
3rd International Workshop on Computational Engineering
Registration Deadline
September 1, 2014Date
October 6-10, 2014Venue
Universität StuttgartComputer Science Building
Universitätsstraße 38
Campus Map
70569 Stuttgart