Information for Authors

Papers should be submitted in PDF format using EDAS.
Contributions should present novel and possibly preliminary research results (up to 8 camera-ready pages in 10 pt IEEE format).

Each submission will be reviewed by three members of the program committee. Papers are selected according to their originality, quality, and relevance to the workshop topics. Accepted papers will appear in the LCN Workshop proceedings and will be published within the IEEE digital library. For accepted papers, at least one author must register for the workshop and give a presentation at the workshop.

Paper authors (main conference and workshops) will be asked to register by July 30, 2013 or their paper will not be included in the program/proceedings (we'll state this on the web site and also e-mail this to authors of submitted papers). Each registration is good for one paper; each additional paper by the same registrant will require an additional $200 to cover the cost for EDAS and publishing. The maximum number of papers that can be covered with one registration is three.