- OpenCMISS - This is the base software that was improved within the project, up to the memory consumption limit.
- Opendihu - This is the HPC version of OpenCMISS that was also created during the DiHu project. It has optimized data structures and is compatible with OpenCMISS in terms of input and output files. The interfacing to PETSc and to CellML models is the same, but the implementation is optimized for high performance compared to OpenCMISS.
- CellML - This is the model standard and model repository that is used by both other software frameworks.
- MegaMol - This visualization framework was adjusted for in-situ visualization of simulations run in Opendihu as part of the DiHu project.
Towards a digital human: Providing new possibilities to improve the understanding of the neuromuscular system by switching from small-sized cluster model problems to realistic simulations on HPC clustersKontakt
Oliver Rö