Events organized by EXAHD
Women in SPPEXA Workshop 2019
Organized by: Neda Ebrahimi Pour, Sarah Huber, Theresa Pollinger -
Resilience Workshop, Euro-Par 2016
Organized by: H.-J. Bungartz, D. Pflüger, and others -
Workshop "Sparse Solvers for Exascale: From Building Blocks to Applications" at the "Krupp-Kolleg Greifswald"
Organized by: the SPPEXA projects ESSEX and EXAHD -
Minisymposium "High-Dimensional Meets Parallel" at the "International Conference on Parallel Computing 2013"
Organized by: Hans-Joachim Bungartz, Markus Hegland, Dirk Pflüger -
Minisymposium "Towards Exascale Simulations and Applications" at the 3rd International Workshop on Computational Engineering 2014 (ICCE).
Organized by: Alfredo Parra Hinojosa, Philipp Neumann -
3rd Workshop on Sparse Grids and Applications, Stuttgart, 2014.
Organized by H.-J. Bungartz, J. Garcke, M. Griebel, M.Hegland, D. Pflüger, C. Webster -
Workshop: Exploiting Different Levels of Parallelism for Exascale Computing at International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS 2014), Munich, 2014.
Organized by: Miriam Mehl, Dirk Pflüger -
Minisymposium "HPC meets UQ" at SIAM UQ, Boston, 2014.
Organized by Tobias Neckel, George Biros, Dirk Pflüger