Workshop Scope

Global sensor networks (GSN) are an emergent research area aiming to offer applications easy and efficient access to sensor data at the scale of billions of sensing devices. While a single sensor network typically provides access to information of a limited geographical area and selected types of sensor data, a GSN provides an application with uniform and transparent access to a multitude of individual sensor networks that may be geographically dispersed, aggregating and correlating different types of data as appropriate for the application. The challenges imposed by global sensor networks are relevant to many fields in computer communications and distributed systems such as sensor networks, complex event and stream processing, pervasive computing, and P2P overlays. This workshop intends to bring together researchers and practitioners working in relevant fields in order to share ideas, challenges and visions on Global Sensor Networks as well as to foster new cooperation.

Workshop Topics

GSN'09 is looking for contributions related but not limited to the following list of topics in the domain of Global Sensor Networks:

Important Dates

Submission deadline:09/11/2008
Author Notification:30/11/2008
Camera Ready Version:27/12/2008



Program Committee

Web Co-Chair