3rd Workshop on Sparse Grids and Applications
01. - 05. September 2014
University of Stuttgart
Stuttgart, Germany
Announcement: SGA 2016
The next SGA will take place October 4-7 in Miami, USA. You can find the website of the SGA 2016 here.
We thank all participants of the SGA 2014!
Important dates:
Abstract Submission: 1 June 2014Notification: 23 June 2014
Registration (contribution): 18 July 2014
Registration (participation only): 18 July 2014
(for registration after July 18, a fee applies)
Sparse grids are a popular approach for the numerical treatment of high-dimensional problems. Where classical numerical discretization schemes fail in more than three or four dimensions, sparse grids, in their different flavors, are frequently the method of choice, be it spatially adaptive in the hierarchical basis or via the dimensionally adaptive combination technique.
Following the highly successful workshops on Sparse Grids and Applications (-> SGA 2011) in Bonn in 2011 and (-> SGA 2012) in Munich in 2012, the 3rd SGA will be held from 01. - 05. September 2014 in Stuttgart, Germany.
The aim is to bring together researchers and practitioners using sparse grids and their variants. Both theoretical and practical aspects are highly welcome. Topics of sparse grids and their applications include
- spatially/dimensionally adaptive refinement
- complexities and error bounds
- wavelets
- higher-order methods
- data mining (classification, regression, clustering, ...)
- density estimation
- (stochastic) partial differential equations
- interpolation and approximation
- computational finance
- parameter scans
- integral equations
- quadrature
- dimensionality reduction
- efficient numerical implementations
- efficient/parallel data structures
- sparse grid software
- applications using sparse grids
- uncertainty quantification
If there is enough interest, we will consider to publish selected papers in a proceedings book after the workshop. The proceedings of SGA 2011 can be found here, and those of the SGA 2012 here.
There is (limited) support for speakers and student participants.
We can offer some financial support for those who do not have enough own funds.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Stuttgart!
Hans-Joachim Bungartz, Jochen Garcke, Michael Griebel, Markus Hegland, Dirk Pflüger, Clayton Webster
Invited Speakers
We are happy to welcome the following invited speakers:
- Max Gunzburger / Florida State University
- Ralf Hiptmair / ETH Zürich
- Fabio Nobile / École Polytechnique Féderale de Lausanne
- Sharif Rahman / University of Iowa

3rd Workshop on Sparse Grids and Applications
Registration Deadlines
1 June 2014 (abstract submission)18 July 2014 (registration contribution/participation)
01. - 05. September 2014Venue
Universität StuttgartStuttgart Research Centre for Simulation Technology
Pfaffenwaldring 5a
70569 Stuttgart