
We are going to publish proceedings. As for the previous two editions, it will be part of the Springer LNCSE series. If you are interested, please send us your paper as a pdf (using the templates provided here) until 31th January 2015 to

If you are interested to contribute, please notify us via email beforehand.

As a motivation and inspriation to submit, you can have a look at the great proceedings of the SGA 2011 and those of the SGA 2012.

Submission deadline

31 January 2015


The template can be found here.
Please read the comments in the .tex files. This will help us a lot to avoid conflicts when compiling the proceedings later on. Thanks! Your contribution should go to author.tex (which you can happily rename). Please leave packages.tex unmodified.

3rd Workshop on Sparse Grids and Applications

Registration Deadlines

1 June 2014 (abstract submission)
18 July 2014 (registration contribution/participation)


01. - 05. September 2014


Universität Stuttgart
Stuttgart Research Centre for Simulation Technology
Pfaffenwaldring 5a
70569 Stuttgart


Dirk Pflüger,