
Stuttgart Research Centre for Simulation Technology

Directions and Accomodation

Directions for getting to the university campus in Stuttgart-Vaihingen can be found here.

We reserved a number of rooms at special rates in the Commundo Hotel located directly next to the venue. Note that the the special rates are only guaranteed for bookings made before 06.08.2014.

You can book your room here. In order to receive the conference discount you have to enter the booking code that you will receive with the confirmation email upon registration.
Please contact us, if there are any questions.
Travel directions to the Commundo Hotel can be found here.

Further accomodation can be found at Stuttgart's website

3rd Workshop on Sparse Grids and Applications

Registration Deadlines

1 June 2014 (abstract submission)
18 July 2014 (registration contribution/participation)


01. - 05. September 2014


Universität Stuttgart
Stuttgart Research Centre for Simulation Technology
Pfaffenwaldring 5a
70569 Stuttgart


Dirk Pflüger,